Another rape incident in the outskirts of national capital Delhi shocked the residents and put everyone to shame. A 16 year old school girl has been gang raped by three men while she was returning from the tuition. Three men pushed the 10th class girl in their Scorpio while she was returning after attending tuition.
The men abducted her near Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad on Wednesday evening. They later took her to a secluded house at Noida and raped her. The girl after raping her between 4-7 PM in the evening, dumped her near her house and escaped. Girl later approached Vijaynagar police and lodged complaint.
Police filed FIR and arrested all the men who were in their 20s. A case has been registered under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, and also for gangrape and abduction. Girl was sent Medical examination to the district hospital in Sanjay Nagar. Doctors are yet to confirm rape on her.
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