The much awaited reality show, Bigg Boss Telugu is on air now with NTR Jr as the Host. The names of the 14 contestants were kept secret for long and revealed only during the show’s first episode. The reaction from viewers has been pretty disappointing.
Reports are now circulating that out of the 14 names, 2 were recommended by NTR himself. When the list of contestants was presented to the ‘Janatha Garage’ actor, he reportedly suggested the show’s organizers to include Dhanraj and Sampoornesh Babu as he was of the opinion that they have the ability to entertain TV viewers for a long haul.
Thanks to NTR’s recommendation, the two actors hit jackpot as they were reportedly paid handsome amount for the Bigg Boss stint. Fans rue that either NTR or the organizers should have taken similar care while choosing the remaining contestants as well.
The first episode has reportedly garnered record TRP rating but as the saying goes, ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’.
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