We all know that Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Prestigious 100th film will be based on the story of Gautamiputra Sathakarani. It is now said that director Krish had deployed 20 Research Scholars to dig in to the history of that time.
The movie will have the launch of his prestigious 100th film in the direction of Krish in Amaravati, the upcoming capital of AP. The launch event will happen on April 8th as Ugadi Special. This is the first star hero movie launch in Amaravati.
Balakrishna’s earlier film, Dictator is also the first film to have its audio launch in Amaravati. Balakrishna already started growing a beard and will undergo look test very soon. The actor is also undergo training in horse riding at Hyderabad Polo and Riding Club, Gandipet. The actor already tried horse riding in some films.
But since the film is a period film, he wants to become an expert in horse riding. We are told that Yodhudu is the title in consideration. Balakrishna himself will announce the project very soon. Krish is reportedly busy in preparing the script and other pre-production works are also happening simultaneously.
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