Chennai sources stated that the DMK on Wednesday said 21 of its party workers have died unable to bear the “shock” of the illness and hospitalization of party chief M Karunanidhi. Meanwhile the party also appealed to the cadres not to take any extreme step in view of the 94 year old former chief minister’s health.
Accordingly the DMK on Wednesday said 21 of its party workers have died unable to bear the “shock” of the illness and hospitalization of party chief M Karunanidhi. Moreover the party also appealed to the cadres not to take any extreme step in view of the 94 year old former chief minister’s health. DMK Working President M K Stalin said “He is deeply depressed to learn that 21 party workers have died unable to bear the shock of party president Kalaignar’s illness (and hospitalization)”.
Furthermore as Karunanidhi continues to be under intensive care for the fifth consecutive day today at the Kauvery Hospital in Chennai, the party top leader said he was grieved by such deaths and conveyed his condolences to the next of the kin of the affected families. Moreover the identity of the deceased has, however, not been disclosed by him. Further after quoting a statement from the hospital, Stalin said the health condition of the party patriarch was “normalizing,” and a team of doctors was constantly monitoring him.
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