Telangana Chief Minister KCR is all set to get a brand new camp office. The Roads & Buildings officials have started the preliminary works and the proposed building will be built in the sprawling land belonging to the IAS Officers’ Association, which is located right behind KCR’s official residence.
Already, bungalows of several IAS officers have been demolished to build the approach roads and close to 25 IAS officers have been vacated from their bungalows to facilitate the demolition. The current camp office was constructed during the late YSR’s reign. However, KCR orphaned the building citing Vaastu problems and turned his official residence into camp office.
Apart from the the IAS Officers Association lands, some land from the Centre for Economic and Social Studies will be acquired for the construction of the new camp office. The nearby Osmania Distance Education Department has already been shifted. Also, a new main road will be built which will connect the new camp office to Begumpet and Ameerpet main roads.
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