33 years after legendary NTR declared war against the insult to Telugus by Rajeev Gandhi who was only AICC general secretary then, Pawan Kalyan has chanted the “Aatma Gauravam” mantra again in Jana Sena Prasthanam Maha Sabha in Tirupati on Saturday. Emotional Pawan has taken on Sonia Gandhi, Congress leaders and Narendra Modi-led BJP.
In every sense, Pawan raked up the sentiment issue and tried to project himself as the messiah of Seema Andhras Aatma Gauravam. Pawan lampooned top leaders of BJP, Congress and he didn’t even spare the MPs, MLAs of TDP. Pawan attacked Venkaiah Naidu, Congress leader Jai Ram Ramesh, TDP Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju, and several others from the state. Maintaining that he has due respect on Modi, Pawan went onto blast BJP and at one point he directly stated that BJP is equally responsible as Congress for the poor situation of the successor state of AP.
Historians, political analysts are comparing Pawan’s speech with what NTR’s speech he had made 33 years ago in which he had blasted Congress. With Aatma Gauravam Ninadam, Pawan Kalyan has stated his action plan to fight for Telugu’s own right – Special Category Status. Pawan said that he’d begun his fight against Centre by organising a public meeting on Sep 9 in Kakinada. On the whole, Pawan’s speech was connecting and engaging as time and again he placed people’s interests above him and made it clear that people’s interests are his interest.
Pawan also gently warned BJP that he make sure AP’s plight would reach them and Jana Sena would be the movement vehicle.
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