The saying ‘Make hay when the sun shines’ suits Movie heroines more than any others in the world. And now Kajal Agarwal is doing exactly the same. She has multiple projects in hands in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi. She is touring the entire Europe in the name of shootings. Till recently she was shooting for NTR’s ‘Baadshah’ in Italy and Switzerland. After the shooting was wrapped up, she moved on to her next project ‘Sari Ostharu’ costarring Ravi Teja where the unit is canning few songs of the movie in different parts of Europe. After completion of this schedule, she will shift to the songs shoot of Surya’s ‘Duplicate’ (Maattrraan in Tamil) and finally she would join the shooting schedule of Ram Charan-VV Vinayak’s film in Iceland and Greece.
She will only return to India in September. However, this beauty says that she is not tired of shooting without any break and that it’s enjoyable because she plays different characters in all these films. The actress will join the sets of her second Bollywood movie ‘Special Chabbis’ after returning from the Europe trip.
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