After the stupendous success of ‘Naan Ee’, The Tamil version of Eega, Director S S Rajamouli’s fame in Tamil Nadu has increased by several folds. Several Tamil producers are now planning to dub his previous blockbusters in to Tamil. Few days ago we have reported that Prabhas and Shriya starrer Chatrapathi is going to be dubbed in Tamil as Chandramouli through Sathish Film Corporation ‘Devi Sridevi’ Sathish.
And now, its time for Yamadonga. On of the leading producer of K-Town has started preaparations for Yamadonga Dubbing. The tentative title of the Movie is Yamathiruda. Earlier, few of NTR movies were dubbed in to Tamil but failed to do well there. Lets see if Yamthiruda makes the difference!
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