Star heroes from Mega family are slowly but steadily showing their power. According to trade analysts the films coming from Mega House are worth Rs 250 crs. While Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s Attarintiki Daaredi already did Rs 70crs business, Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s Yevadu and Zanjeer are expected to do Rs 60 and Rs 120 crs respectively. All these are only pre release business and this will rise astronomically once the films become hit.
There are huge expectations among mega fans on the three films. Charan’s Zanjeer which marks his Bollywood debut tops the list. His other film Yevadu is directed by Vamsi Paidipalli while Pawan-Trivikram trying to create Jalsa magic with Attarintiki Daaredi. All the three are releasing in a month’s gap.
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