Bollywood star and Celebrity Big Boss winner Shilpa Shetty gave birth to baby boy at Hinduja Healthcare Surgical Hospital in suburban Khar on Monday morning. Highly elated father Raj Kunda broke the news. “God has blessed us with a beautiful baby boy. Both mother and baby are fine. I am thrilled to bits!!,” he tweeted.
The couple have been married for three years. Shilpa confirmed the news of her pregnancy in December last year. As planned earlier, the 36-year-old actress will be storing her child’s stem cells. Stem cells storage will give more medical options for the healthy future of the baby.
Both Shilpa and Raj are the franchise owners of IPL team Rajasthan Royals. Unfortunately, their team couldn’t enter into the playoffs as it managed to get only 14 points. Hopefully the little baby will keep the couple in good mood for a long time and bring good fortune to them!
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