March 14th is the first anniversary of Pawan Kalyan’s Janasena Party. It was on the same day last year Pawan Kalyan announced his party, Janasena amid huge congregation at Novotel Hotel, Hyderabad. He created a sensation in politics and film world back then. Renowned industrialist and Film maker, Potluri Vara Prasad and Pawan Kalyan’s Close Friend, Raju Ravitej were beside the actor at the launch.
However Pawan Kalyan surprised every one by not contesting that election. He further extended his support to TDP and BJP combine and extensively campaigned for both the parties in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The efforts bore fruits in AP but failed in Telangana. Pawan Kalyan remained silent after the elections and there were even no attempts to construct the party as well.
PVP who said to have funded Janasena’s early meetings distanced from Pawan Kalyan later after he failed to get him Vijayawada MP seat. Raju Ravitej also left Pawan Kalyan due to some misunderstandings. Janasena party did not have an official spokesperson nor did they conduct any membership drive so far.
Except for Pawan Kalyan, there is no representation from the party. He recently visited Capital notified villages and created a one day hulchul on the state government but immediately softened his stand on the very next day. He clarified that he can not bring Special Status to the state from center and also announced that Janasena will not contest GHMC elections.
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