Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna who is all set to show is power at box office with his upcoming 98th film “Lion” under the direction of Satyadeva is getting ready for his next (99th Film). It is known that his 99th film would be more prestigious where Srivaas will direct it and the film is tentatively tiled as “Dictator”. Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan are working on the script and like the title suggests, it’s going to be an action entertainer.
The news revealed that this 99th film would be shot lavishly in Hyderabad, Delhi and Europe from March onwards where this film is going to make with huge budget. The film will be the biggest-budget film ever in Balakrishna’s career which would be around 40+ crores.
This news would create celebrations in Nandamuri fans but some of the fans are very much disappointed by knowing that actual market of Balakrishna is equal to debut hero’s market at box-office!!! It is an open secret that produced always tries to make the film according to the market of that particular hero at box office collections.
So, indirectly the budget shows the range of the hero at box office. Based on the calculations Producers are taking high risk if they made film with Balakrishna with around 40Crores. But shockingly Akkineni Nagarjuna’s young son Akhil debut film which was launched couple of days back has planned to be the budget around 40+crores.
This film is directing by VV Vinayak & producing by Nithin & his father Sudhakar Reddy. Buzzes are spreading wide in industry that Balakrishna’s 99th film budget is equal to Akhil’s debut film budget. Practically everyone understand that yesteryears & current filmmaking making cost are drastically changed and these types of comparisons are not at all correct for industry!!!! Gossipers needs to understand be creating unusual gossips!!!!
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