As the Stylish Star Allu Arjun is all set to storm the box office with Trivikram’s much awaited upcoming ‘S/O Satya Moorti’, now he has given his final nod for the movie after this. It was also previously believed that Allu Arjun would be joining director Boyapati Srinu and now sources as almost as official have confirmed this issue.
Now according to the sources close to the compound, production house Geetha Art’s has finalized the combination of Allu Arjun and Boyapati along with music director SS Thaman. Reportedly, Boyapati has been waiting to join Allu Arjun for a long time and finally today it has emerged.
More details of this project are expected to be officially announced soon by the production house Geetha Arts. The movie is already announced to be 2016 release.
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