Actress Trisha, who is engaged and all set to marry businessman-producer Varun Manian, has signed to be part of Varun’s next production venture. Trisha is going to play traditional village belle in the film. Set against the backdrop of Kumbakonam in Tanjavur district of Tamil Nadu, Trisha pairs up with Jai.
Thiru will be wielding the megaphone and the yet-to-be-titled film will be jointly produced by Sushanth Prasad and Varun Manian. Earlier Trisha teamed up with director Thiru for Samar (Vetadu-Ventadu) where her role brought her many accolades.
Now that she is again going to act under his direction, expectations are high. Trisha hitched to Varun Manian on Jan 23 in a grand gala ceremony. The couple are going to tie the knot in a traditional wedding ceremony and an auspicious date, muhurat for wedding is yet to be finalised.
Now that Trisha signed a film ahead of her marriage, buzz has it that Trisha is going to continue her acting career, however, would refrain from glam roles. Let’s wait and see.
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