There seem to be a coup running on BJP Senior Leader and Union Minister, Venkaiah Naidu in both the Telugu States. It is said that BJP leaders of both the states are not happy with Venkaiah’s direction. They allege that Venkaiah is working as an agent of TDP and is not giving due importance to BJP affairs in the state.
The leaders recently met Amit Shah and Narendra Modi and informed that Venkaiah Naidu is not allowing new admissions in to the party only to benefit TDP. They also said BJP should be made a refuge camp to Reddy and Kapu community leaders to strengthen them.
However Venkaiah Naidu being a Kamma opposing that move causing damage to the party in the state. However it is said that Modi and Amit Shah talked in favour of Venkaiah. They said it is Venkaiah who suggested alliance with TDP before the elections and it worked to some extent.
They advised the leaders to concentrate on membership drive rather than giving silly complaints. They also said that it is the National unit which will decide on the alliances and not a problem to the state unit.
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