Seems like Hyderabad is becoming hottest destination for saucy Bollywood celebs to shake their booty on new year eve. As the city is gearing up to celebrate the farewell in style on December 31st night, some hot bombs are arriving in their trademark red-hot looks to entertain local crowds, of course, at a hotter price only.
We’ve already informed that popular former adult star Sunny Leone is grooving to a medley of her own songs at JRC Convention Centre in Jubilee Hills tomorrow night. And another hot-bomb too picked Hyderabad as her base to unleash her wild side.
Twitter celebrity Poonam Pandey is getting ready to dance for Telugu songs tomorrow night at an event planned in Durgam Cheruvu. Known for her dirty acts all the time, we wonder what will she do on stage tomorrow night. Surely, she is going to steam up the night for Hyderabadis.
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