Natasimha Balakrishna is currently busy shooting for debutante Satava Deva’s film. Even as he is romancing hot beauties Trisha and Radhika Apte, rumors flowed about the film’s title. At first Warrior came and then Lion. When fans heard about Lion, many are thrilled. Even Balakrishna loved the title and filmmakers planned to finalise the title.
However everyone is disappointed as they came to know that the title is owned by another filmmaker. When filmmakers tried to settle for Warrior, Balakrishna fans opposed saying they want the film to be titled as NBK Lion. It has to be seen whether the filmmakers or Balakrishna delight fans.
Film stars Prakash Raj, Jayasudha, Ali, Geeta and Chandra Mohan are playing important roles. Ramanarao is producing the film on SLV Cinema banner. Rudrapati Premalatha is presenting the film.
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