In a shocker, a girl student of Nallapadu Polytechnic College, Guntur district attacked her lecturer Venkataramana by throwing acid on him. Seriously injured Venkataramana was shifted to nearby hospital. Vekataramana who worked as a maths lecturer in a private college started loving his girl student from Narasaraopet for quite sometime.
He even promised to marry her and later joined Nallapadu Polytechnic college. On Nov 15th, however, he deceived her and married another woman. When she questioned him, he insulted her saying he will marry her as second wife. Humiliated with this, the girl student came to college with acid bottle and called him out of the college.
Before he could recover, she attacked him with acid. Venkataramana received lot of burns and is currently getting treated at Guntur Government Hospital. Doctors say he is out of danger but he got severe burns. Police took the girl student into custody for further investigation.
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