Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s Iddarammayilatho had completed its one week run at the box office. Despite heavy negative talk and bad reviews, the movie had managed to do well at the box office, thanks to Summer holidays and no competition period. Here is the break up of first week collections.
Nizam: 6.87 Crs
Ceded: 4.1 Crs
UA: 2.05 Crs
East: 1.49 Crs
West: 1.26 Crs
Guntur: 1.98 – 2 Crs
Krishna: 1.27 Crs
Nellore: 0.85 Crs
Total AP Share: 19.89 Crs
KA: 1.5 Crs
ROI: 0.50 C
Overseas: 1.2 Crs
WW Share: 23.19 Crs
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