PCC leader Raghuveera Reddy has alleged that both AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu and opposition leader YS Jagan have failed miserably when it comes to handling and tackling people’s problems. Speaking on a live show, Reddy said he would give zero marks to both Babu and Jagan for their poor show. He said that the government machinery was not functioning properly and added that Babu and his team were not only cheating farmers and DWACRA groups, they were also cheating people at large.
Reddy said that they were functioning in totally opposite manner to the pre-poll promises they made. On the other hand, the opposition failed to pull up the ruling party for its lack of commitment. Hence, both the leaders get zero marks he said. Raghuveera Reddy also said that the way Jagan behaved regarding making Vijayawada the new capital was questionable.
The ideal way was to hold an all party meeting opined Reddy. To substantiate his stand, Raghuveera also showed a few clippings of Chandra Babu’s pre-poll promises to DWACRA women and farmers. Reddy also disclosed that his party will start its agitation from the very spot that Chandra Babu was sworn in as none of the five projects that he signed on have been implemented till now.
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