Ever since news is out that Mahesh Babu is set to sizzle in director Srikanth Addala’s next, all eyeballs hooked around the title “Brahmotsavam”. With many bringing sentiment factor in, cine lovers are puzzled about what these sentiment-lovers are talking about. As discussion storms around this title, we brought to you what’s being debated exactly.
Some say that Mahesh Babu will score big hits if the title is a ‘three letter’ word. And then they talk about Murari, Okkadu, Athadu and Dookudu. They hint that even if Srikanth Addala picks such short words, it is better, but Brahmotsavam is four-letter word against the sentiments.
One wonders if these sentiment-lovers have really forgotten about the ‘three lette’ words like Khaleja and recent Aagadu. And coming to hit factor, Mahesh has a lengthy title like ‘Seemthamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’ in his kitty along with English words like ‘Businessman’. So, what’s in the length of a word of the title?
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