Even as Andhra Pradesh CM Chandra Babu Naidu is getting ready to constitute new board of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), speculation is on who will be included in the board. CM Chandra Babu is said to have promised party’s senior leader Chadalawada Krishna Murthy from Chittor district, chairman post of the board.
List of names to be included in 18 member board doing around include director Raghavendra Rao, actor Shivaji, AP BJP spokesperson Bhanu Prakash Reddy. It is coming out that Nita Ambani from Reliance Group will also be part of the board. PM. Narendra Modi, BJP president Amit Shah and others are recommending some high profile names. Inside talk is Chandra Babu will finalized Nita Ambani’s name in couple of days from today.
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