Nandamuri Hari Krishna alias Seethayya was served as Rajya Sabha member from 2008 to 2013. He was resigned as MP against the bifurcation of the state before completing his tenure. CBN had ignored Hari Krishna for giving second chance as MP. During his tenure, Hari Krishna was used to spend most of his allotted funds to Krishna district for various development activities.
Currently in Vijayawada, one Super Specialty Veterinary hospital is constructing with the funds of Hari Krishna. This is going to be opened in January’15. Hari Krishna was released 1.7 crore of funds for the construction of this Hospital. Veterinary Hospital was started in 2008 by then Minister Mandali Buddha Prasad with an expecting cost of 2 crore for the completion of the hospital.
Hospital construction was stopped due to lack of funds. Then Krishna district Collector Buddha Prakash Jyothy had approached Seethayya seeking to completion of the project that follows the release of funds 1.7 crores by Hari Krishna immediately. Now they planned to put NTR Bhavan as name for this Hospital.
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