Generally celebs turn up in huge embellished dresses, ethnic wear with heavy hand work and ornament studded, for events like marriages and marriage receptions. But spicy heroine Shradda Kapoor showed her saucy side at the recently concluded reception event of Salman Khan’s Arpita. Sexiness is the small word as our heroine decided to turn all heads.
Wearing some bikini-like blouse that hangs on couple of slick straps in the back, Shradda has flaunted her back like never before. As if she is attending an awards ceremony, the young seductress made sure that all those beautiful ladies who are dressed in designer sarees and chudidhars feel jealous. While everyone looked quite traditional, Shradda’s skin show fascinated one and all as she daringly sported a plain saree that gave a see-through vision of her hot curves. Probably her hotness is redefined but this is not the event to showcase her tempting assets.
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