The regional Censor Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has cleared Aadi-Rakul Preet Singh starrer Rough on Thursday. The movie has been cleared with U/A certification. With all hurdles cleared up, the movie is now hitting the screens on Nov 28. Rough is going to slug it out with Yamaleela 2 in theatres.
Billed to be an out and out entertainer laced with entertainment, the movie is directed by newcomer Subba Reddy. We hear that Censor Board was all praise for the film and the makers are confident that this film would add to Rakul’s success spree.
First-time producer, young entrepreneur Abilash Madhavaram is producing the film under Sridevi Entertainments banner. Considering that Rough is releasing just before the wedding of Aadi Sai Kumar, Aadi is pinning high hopes on film.
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