Director Deva Katta enjoys unique following among certain sections of audiences for his ‘realistic’ yet ‘dramatic’ commercial movies like Prasthanam and Autonagar Surya. Despite the fate of his films at box office, their sophisticated content with loads of philosophical dialogues and hair rising moments, made everyone glue to them.
However, often this talented director expressed his views that routine and mass-content is hampering the real values of films. As he expresses his thoughts on a higher thinking scale quoting the likes of Nietsche, Ayan Rand and others, people hail Deva as quite intellectual person. For the same reason, his single ‘tweet’ gets immense attention always. “Congrats to Charan, KV Sir and Ganesh for forging away from routine and scoring”, posted Deva today, congratulating ‘Govindudu Andarivadele’ team.
‘A’ centre audiences who follow social networks a lot went cheering as Deva Katta excited in joyful manner. Probably films like GAV will help directors like him to come up with more off-the-routine stuff.
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