In an unfortunate incident, a hardcore mega fan has lost his life today at mass stampede that took place at Siva theatre, Emminganur, Kurnool District. After ticket counter windows are opened, fans have suddenly rushed into queue to grab couple of tickets, which led to the stampede. At a time when ‘Govindudu Andarivadele’ released to positive talk of mouth, this ill-timed occurrence pushed mega fans into deep sorrow.
Responding on the death of his fan, Ram Charan stated, “I’m shocked and saddened by his death. Will give an exgratia of 2 lakhs to his family”. He expressed deep condolences for this unlucky death. Probably theatre management and police would have made ample security arrangements to avoid such untoward incidents. Even fans need to maintain poise at ticket queues. A lost life never comes back.
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