Of late, Telugu films have been relying on one man- Brahmanandam. Even start-studded films too depending on Brahmi’s charisma to pull off the masses. But Ram Charan’s just-released Govindudu Andarivadele has broken those stereotype by going ahead without star comedian Brahmanandam. And yes, director Krishna Vamsi managed to enthrall audiences with right doses of sentiment, drama.
Vamsi put the whole responsibility on Ram Charan and Cherry too carried off the movie on his shoulders. Be it comedy or action, Charan compensated Brahmi. Thanks to Kirshna Vamsi who applied brakes to tedious slapping scenes involving Brahmi in almost every other film. With GAV, Krishna Vamsi proved that one could do a film without Brahmi. Let’s see how audience react to this experiment.
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