Ram Charan seems to have taken aback from producer Bandla Ganesh’s enthusiasm to produce Chiranjeevi’s 150th film. Although Ganesh didn’t mean it directly, and expressed his wish to produce one film with his ‘Boss’ Chiranjeevi be it 150 or 200 or 250, Charan stepped into action in order to clear any untoward false hopes.
Setting the record straight, Charan reacted sarcastically, ‘What Ganesh do you want to take us the project from us? I’m only producing dad’s 150th film. In fact, I’m also producing it on behalf of my mother. She is producing the film originally. You may get a chance to produce any of his next film but not 150th film.’ This indeed, is to send signals to distributors that Charan himself is venturing into movie production. At the same time, it also says that Chiranjeevi is keen to continue his acting career after his 150th film.
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