Former writer and actor Uttej shows his pen-power most of the time when it comes praising top Telugu heroes on the occasion of their birthdays. Writing some unique prose-based poetic text, he showcased his love for Megastar Chiranjeevi earlier and Pawan Kalyan now.
On the eve of Pawan Kalyan’s birthday today, Uttej described Pawan in the most authentic and honest way. ‘Errani Udayam, Tellani Hrudayam, Tiragabadey Pawanam, Soubagyam korey Kalyanam’ are the few ends of this rhythmic write-up. Praising Pawan’s revolutionary traits and humanity, Uttej pointed out how the Janasena leader reacted on present day politics. ‘A Buddha has become a Rudra’, Uttej writes exaggeratedly, referring to the benevolent silence of Pawan that turned a fireball during his politica speeches. Finally he concludes ‘Haddulu Cheripesina Viswamitrudu’.
Pawan Kalyan hasn’t lost his craze among people despite having a poor run of his films for a decade. Reason looks simple. He responds whenever a calamity strikes, a poor heart cries and struggling soul asks for help. Uttej’s write-up is not just a flattery on Birthday eve, but a truth tabled in a rhythmic format, say Pawan’s fans.
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