Superstar Mahesh babu wanted to step into production by co-producing Dhookudu remake in Hindi with Salman Khan and even used to announce that Salman would suit the role better and even mediators, screened the comic-caper to Dabbang star. But with Mahesh reportedly insisting on director Srinu Vytla to direct the Hindi version, to sustain the flavor, while Slaman preferred to have a top Hindi filmmaker, so finally, it got stuck.
However, it seems that Mahesh Babu has shelved his idea of turning a producer with a B-town film and would be focusing on acting alone, since he has no plans to produce any Telugu film, despite a market of 65-crore, because his brother Ramesh and sister Manjula, failed as producers, so Aagadu star dropped his ambitions. Its wise decision, considering the risks iand big stakes involved in production these days? What u say folks ?
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