Its an apt title for Ravi Teja right now, since his star prowess is on test with his upcoming film ‘Power’ and he should be able to cross 30-crore mark and join the big league of actors. Even though, he is hailed as a ‘mass maharaja’ but except for Balupu, he had delivered more flops like ‘Devudu Chesina…’, ‘Veera’ and Nippu’ in recent times and questioning his missing link with new-age viewers.
No doubt, he is a master in energetic roles and tickling laughing bones, but with other superstars like Pawan and Mahesh and NTR, also dabbling in comedy, did Ravi lose his space to these stars or still has in it in him, to regain his glory of Kick days.
Unlike, Pawan, Mahesh or NTR, Kick star can’t boast of thousands of fan clubs, but distributors claims that he has a ‘floating fan following’ and not ‘fixed following’ and it all depends on the success of his each film. So lets see, how Ravi who is known for a care-a-damn attitude and positive mindset, would silence his critics with Power.
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