Mass Maha Raja Ravi Teja’s upcoming movie under direction of Gopichand Malineni “Balupu” is currently under post production works and the audio is set to release on May 1st in Vijayawada. Shruthi Hassan and Anjali are dancing with this Hero for the first time with the tunes provided by SS Thaman. Gopichand has proved that he’s a good director with his debut “Don Seenu” but his second project “Bodyguard” was not collected good collections at box office.
Ravi Teja’s previous movies “Daruvu” and “Devudu chesina Manushulu” were not up to the mark while “Sarocharu” was an average. ‘PVP cinemas banner’ is producing this owned by Prasad V Potluri. Our hero Mass Maha Raja Ravi Teja and director Gopichand Malineni both are eagerly waiting for hit. So, let us see how “Balupu” will decide their fates.
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