It is known that sizzling beauty Nayanthara is doing an item number in Tamil film “Ethir Neechal” which has been well publicized and her moves along with Dhanush are expected to create a celebratory atmosphere in theatres. Siva Karthikeyan, who plays the lead in the movie, hasn’t participated in this song and he was just an observer on the sets when this number was canned.
Another interesting fact is that Nayanthara didn’t charge a single penny to dance for this song. Apparently her friendship with Dhanush is strong enough for her to relinquish the monetary aspect. This film is produced by Dhanush’s ‘Wunderbar Films’ and it is expected to release on April 26th. Do, think that Nayanthara will do item song for free, because of her friendship with Dhanshu made her do for free of cost.
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