While Prabhas is currently focusing on the Rajamouli’s upcoming directorial venture “Bahubali” which also starring Daggubati Rana and Anushka in lead role. Source close to the actor says that a Prabhas’ revealed that Rebel star Prabhas will be seen as Argentina’s revolutionary Marxist leader Che Guevara who dared even super powers like US. Sources say though he will be seen only for few minutes it will be crucial for the film. Krishnam Raju is directing and producing the film titled “Okka Adugu”.
Buzz is film revolves around a four youth which comprises of a love pair. As per the reports, prabhas’ paternal uncle, Krishnamraju will be making his debut as a director through the movie ‘Okka Adugu’. He himself will produce this movie with prabhas as the protagonist. prabhas will essay the role of Che Guevara in a 20 minute special sequence of the movie. The subject of this movie is going to be an inspiration to youth. Let’s wait for more details on this.
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