Comedian Sudhakar, TV serial artist late Hari Prasad and another noted character artist Narayana are close friends of K Siva Shankar Varaprasad since their film institute days in Madras. Later, that Varaprasad became “Supreme Hero” Chiranjeevi and Madras became Chennai, while their friendship remained same. What is the biggest gift given by Chiru as token of love for this bonding?
Actor Narayana says that Chiru has united all the three, him, Hari Prasad and Sudhakar and made them start the production house “Dynamic Movie Makers”. As their first project, this team has made “Yamudiki Mogudu” movie with Megastar in 1988. Back then, a big film has budget in lakhs, but this film shot upto 1 crore 20 lakhs nearly. Amazing set-designs, fantastic costumes and risky fight sequences costed a bomb. There’s no reason to panic anyway. Upon its release, the film went on to become a smashing hit at box office, and became an industry hit for Chiranjeevi.
Later, these three friends failed to make any other flick on that banner and they didn’t push for a new project with Chiranjeevi too. But the film remains forever in golden history of Tollywood, as Narayana now says, “This is amazing gift of friendship, especially by Chiru, as he’s the one who asked us to start a banner and produce a film such that we will settle down financially”.
Today (April 29th) marks 27 years of release for Chiranjeevi’s “Yamudiki Mogudu”.
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