More than 30 passengers were feared to be killed in a brutal bus accident in Madhya Pradesh today. The bus was loaded with 42 people and was on its way from Chattarpur to Satna when the accident happened. The driver’s negligence is said to be the main reason behind the incident that tool place in Panna and a Magisterial inquiry has been ordered by the central government.
Loaded with 40+ passengers, the bus has fallen off from a culvert into a dry nullah when the driver lost the control over its steering at a steep turn. The bus immediately caught fire as and when it fell down and the blast of fuel tank was said to be the reason for huge fire. Around 10 people have escaped from the accident with major burns and were rushed to the district hospital of Panna.
The government of Madhya Pradesh has announced a compensation of 2 lakhs, 50,000 and 25,000 rupees to the dead, burnt and injured passengers respectively. The rescue work was initiated by the forest guards and were later joined by hospital & police forces.
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