Telugu magnum opus Rudhramadevi, which has been on the floors for over two years, was finally wrapped up couple of months back. The movie is now in extensive post production phase. Handsome hunk Rana Daggubati who was busy in the shooting of his other commitments, began dubbing for his part in Rudhramma Devi. The movie is creating a lot of buzz among audience even before its release.
This movie the first 3D movie to be released simultaneously released inTelugu and Tamil languages. Rudhramadevi is the story of a fierce woman ruler of Kakatiya dynasty.
Anushka plays the titular role of queen Rudhramadevi in the film, which is set against the backdrop of Kakatiya dynasty where Allu Arjun done a cameo role in the movie as Gona Ganna Reddy.
The film, which is also produced by Gunasekhar, features an ensemble cast of Rana Daggubati, Krishnam Raju, Prakash Raj, Baba Sehegal, Aditya Menon,Nithya Menen, Aditi Chengappa, Catherine Tresa and Hamsa Nandini in important roles.
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