The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu has been booked in a case for making insulting comments on the Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and the shepherd community. An advocate named Sunkari Janardhan Goud who hails from Saroornagar lodged a complaint in the Cyberabad 11st Magistrate Court against CM Chandrababu for his irking speech in East Godavari on the occasion of May day.
The Metropolitan Magistrate court gave orders to Chaitanyapuri police to book a case on Chandrababu considering the complaint. The report will be given on May 13th to the Magistrate. However, the both CMs are going neck to neck making comments on each other. Notably, KCR was the first one to irritate Chandrababu at the plenary meeting.
Bouncing those comments, Chandrababu made irking comments on KCR on May day in East Godavari calling him a shepherd if TDP wouldn’t have existed. The both parties are making counter allegations about the same issue. So, should wait and see what would happen in this case.
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