Veteran film director Mani Ratnam was admitted to Indraprastha Apollo Hospital on Tuesday afternoon. They say the director complained of chest pain and was admitted to the hospital. While doctors refuse to give details like reason for admission and his health condition, it is said that he may have suffered a cardiac arrest.
Mani Ratnam’s family do not want to share any of the details regarding his health. Mani suffered his first cardiac arrest way back in 2004 when he was shooting for his Yuva starring Suriya, Madhavan and Siddharth. Mani Ratnam who suffered several failures in the recent years, just made a stunning comeback with his recent release, Ok Bangaram starring Dulwuer and Nitya Menen.
He even knocked the door of courts over the online piracy that is affecting the box office performance of the film and is still fighting the case against ISPs, Search Engines and Piracy websites. We along with our readers wish the ace director recovers as soon as possible!
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