Disappointment came across ‘revamped’ Delhi Daredevils’ way as their batsmen, Even tournament’s most valued player Yuvraj Singh failed to give the much needed support to well set team. Yuvraj Singh, who was a bought for a record Rs 16 crores at this year’s players auction, failed. The excess energy was absent as he ambled out for practice, long after most of his teammates had turned up. As he placed his kit bag next to the nets, a heavy shower lashed the ground.
Thus after a high octane drama on TV channels, millions of Yuvraj’s supporters hoped their favourite star would silence the critics with his performance on the field. The left-handed was out for just 9 runs despite getting a roaring welcome from the Chennai crowd in the first match. Even after that match He haven’t helped his team to keep high some scores on board. He continues his poor form through out this matches.
Delhi played 9 matches till now and only 4 matches won by this team. He scored a average of below 20 runs in this season. Only one half century was scored by this left-handed batsmen over Punjab. Except that, he failed to deliver a good performance in other 7 innings he played. So, Delhi is facing huge pressure with the failure of this high expected played showing poor stroke with his bat. Hope, At-least Yuvi bounce back and push his team to enter in the top four.
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