Not so long ago, the stunning case of Pawan Kalyan’s third marriage gave a shock to Tollywood, and made it a biggest news of the year. While it still remains to be a curious case, Pawan again decided to give another shock to the Tollywood with his Marriages Saga, according to the rumour mills..
It is all known that, Pawan Kalyan in his initial stage of his career, married a women, and later maintained a Live-in-Relation Ship with his co star Renu Desai. After that he made divorced with his wife and married Renu. Issues may be what ever, they separated finally.
From the past two days, a bizarre story on Pawan Kalyan and his new eife Anna Lezhneva is making rounds on social networking sites. Now, it is said that he is even staying away from Anna and reportedly spotted moving close to a young actress, who is pairing with him in his next film.
It is not confirmed whether he is already married her or yet to marry. But, twitter and Facebook were filled with trolls and memes of the actor for allegedly marrying yet again. Sadly even the diehard fans are struggling to defend him due to the past experiences.
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