The actor-turned-politician, Megastar of Tollywood Chiranjeevi today reached Renigunta airport to unveil the status of Sri Krishnadevaraya at Kadapa. It is common that fans come all along the way to see their favorite star directly but which is difficult in the huge crowd. So, few fans try out new stunts to get closer to the stars.
During Chiranjeevi’s visit, the fans barged into the actor which created lot of inconvenience to the actor. However, the body guard of Chiranjeevi man-handled one of the fans by beating him repeatedly on his head. Even Chiranjeevi tried to push the fan away from him but could not so the bodyguard took charge.
This all happened when this unknown fan was coming really close to Chiranjeevi and as per security problems fans are not allowed to come so close. However, the bodyguard handled the hard core fan very rudely. It is said that the fan was deeply upset with this charge.
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