This is what a Mumbai based housewife says, ‘watching Sunny Leone’s videos could lead to rape. Her posts spoil the mind of people, mainly children’, after filing an obscenity complaint on former adult star Sunny Leone. Police too acted quite fast on the complaint, as they booked Sunny under Information Technology Act for obscenity and also charged under Indecent Representation of Women Act.
In the first case, why is our ‘housewife’ surfing Sunny Leone’s adult website? ‘I’m surfing the net and came across Sunny’s website’, she said, of course which isn’t really believable. The police case has now been transferred to Thane Cyber Crime Cell and they are investigating the case. Legal experts that Sunny Leone’s website is like any other paid porn website that is in compliance with US laws and also Canadian laws. In that case, how come our ‘housewife’ attack this curvaceous siren in India is the question.
To take the website down, our authorities should work with USA and Canadian counterparts, while blocking in India could be done if a Court Order says it so. Let’s see what happens. Meanwhile ‘All India Sunny Leone Fans’ started supporting their diva on social network, while Sunny herself claimed no idea of the police case registered against her.
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