Puri Jagannadh after the announcement of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s 150th film is busy finalizing the script of the film. It is said that Puri is planning a perfect schedule for the movie shooting. He wants to wrap up the film in 75 working days. Usually 75 days is less for a star hero like Chiranjeevi but knowing Puri’s pace, no one have the guts to comment on it.
The film will have a grand launch on August 22nd, the Birthday of Chiranjeevi and it will start rolling from September 2nd which happens to be the Birthday of Powerstar Pawan Kalyan. The team targets January 14th 2016 release as Sankranthi Special.
Ram Charan himself will be producing this monumental film. Interestingly Ramcharan’s debut film ‘Chiruta’ was directed by Puri Jagannadh and his first film as a producer will be also directed by the same Director. Reliable sources in Chiranjeevi’s camp tells us that Auto Jani is an out and out mass entertainer.
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