Nara Lokesh will be sounding the clap board for his father-in-law, Nandamuri Balakrishna’s next film, Dictator. The movie will have its launch on 29th of this month in Ramanaidu Studios. Veteran film director and TTD member, Raghavendra Rao is one more guest to the event.
This is the 99th film of Balakrishna’s career. Srivas who garnered a super success with Loukyam will be wielding megaphone for this project. Srivas is also the co-producer of the film. Anjali will be romancing Balayya for the first time in this film.
The other heroine is yet to be confirmed. Famous writers duo – Kona Venkat and Gopimohan will be working for the first time with Balayya. Eros International will be producing this film which is expected to go on floors early in June. More details of the project are awaited.
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