Nandyal MP and YSR Congress party leader SPY Reddy on Friday sprang a surprise in the political circles by surfacing at the Telugu Desam Party’s Mahanadu being held at Gandipet.
Reddy took his seat in the front row comprising senior TDP leaders and was found closely moving with them. It is not known whether he was invited by the TDP leaders or he had come on his own. However, with his presence it was more or less confirmed that Reddy might join the TDP sooner or later.
In fact, there has been talk for quite some time that Reddy would be joining the TDP. He had met Naidu in the past and issued statements in favour of the government. However, he continued to remain in the YSR Congress party fearing disqualification. It remains to be seen whether he would officially join the TDP and lose his MP seat.
On the other hand, TDP MLA and popular BC leader R Krishnaiah was conspicuous by his absence at Mahanadu, lending credence to the speculations that he might shift loyalities to the ruling TRS.
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