On Friday, we have got an announcement of Mahesh Babu’s new production house, G.Mahesh Babu Entertainment Pvt Ltd, which is co-producing the actor’s next, Srimanthudu. The same banner will also be co-producing his next project, Brahmotsavam directed by Srikanth Addala.
Brahmotsavam will formally begin tomorrow with a special puja on the occasion of Superstar Krishna’s Birthday. The regular shooting will begin after Mahesh finishes Srimanthudu. The movie may be targeting Sankranthi 2016 release.
Potluri Vara Prasad will be producing the film on his PVP Cinemas Banner. Srikanth Addala’s routine music composer, Mickey J.Meyer will be composing tunes for this film too. The project has other big names like Rathnavelu as Cinematographer, Thota Tharani as Art director and Sreekar Prasad as Editor.
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