The theatrical trailer of Baahubali which released on Monday had shattered all the records of Youtube views. Even though the trailer is first released in theaters and released late on internet, it still managed to cross the 1 million views under 24 hours of its release which is a first for any Telugu film.
Interestingly, many theater recorded download links were available on net by the time, the makers released the trailer. But they did not show any effect on the views. On the other side, the makers are preparing one more trailer to release it at the audio release event. Baahubali is the biggest budget movie ever made on Telugu Screen.
Three years of hard work had gone in to the project. Prabhas had pinned high hopes on the film to catapult him to the next level. The movie is already creating never before seen records in Telugu film trade. The movie even caught the attention of the entire nation once Bollywood film maker Karan Johar purchased the Hindi dubbing rights.
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