On the auspicious eve of the first formation day of the Telangana State, the Telangana State Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao started off the celebrations held at Parade Grounds in Hyderabad by unfurling the national flag. During this event, KCR announced a bumper news to the state people that 25,000 vacant posts will be filled by July.
He said that these posts will be filled up in various departments in the state government. KCR also promised that the two bedroom houses project will be started very soon with a capital investment of Rs 5,04,000 crores. He also confirmed that foundation stone for the Kaleshwaram Life irrigation project will be done in this month.
Speaking about the delay in the Palamuru lift irrigation project, KCR promised that it will happen very soon and the investment for this project is Rs 35,000 crores. So, what do you think? Will KCR really make sure all these promises are fulfilled? Let’s see!
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